Repair & revision

Is your machine in need of maintenance, repair or overhaul? We are happy to help you find a sustainable solution. Strategic repairs can greatly increase the usability and return-on-investment of your machinery.

Repairs at DHM-VOS

Repair & Revision

When performing repairs and maintenance work, DHM-VOS always takes the applicable quality standards into consideration. Our experts will work with the utmost precision and care on your valuable machines and mechanical parts.

We can help you with various maintenance, repair and overhaul work:

  • Last-minute adjustments or modifications
  • Onsite and offsite repairs
  • Welding on additional parts
  • Rebushing of worn holes
  • Replacement of machine parts

Thanks to our in-house machine shop in Sliedrecht, we do not have to outsource any work. This means that we can easily and quickly respond to all your needs. We have an experienced team of welders at your disposal to quickly and flexibly carry out onsite and offsite repairs. All our welding repairs are carried out by highly skilled professionals with extensive experience and welding qualifications according to NEN 9606-1 and in compliance with the welding procedures prescribed by NEN 15614-1.

Number of welding machines


Material types


Material types circa


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